Package 'DDD'

Title: Diversity-Dependent Diversification
Description: Implements maximum likelihood and bootstrap methods based on the diversity-dependent birth-death process to test whether speciation or extinction are diversity-dependent, under various models including various types of key innovations. See Etienne et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, <DOI:10.1098/rspb.2011.1439>, Etienne & Haegeman 2012, Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, <DOI:10.1086/667574>, Etienne et al. 2016. Meth. Ecol. Evol. 7: 1092-1099, <DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.12565> and Laudanno et al. 2021. Syst. Biol. 70: 389–407, <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syaa048>. Also contains functions to simulate the diversity-dependent process.
Authors: Rampal S. Etienne [aut, cre] , Bart Haegeman [aut] , Hanno Hildenbrandt [ctb] , Giovanni Laudanno [ctb]
Maintainer: Rampal S. Etienne <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 5.2.3
Built: 2025-02-24 05:49:46 UTC

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Loglikelihood for diversity-independent diversification model


This function computes loglikelihood of a diversity-independent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values.


  methode = "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54"



Vector of parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda0 (speciation rate)
pars1[2] corresponds to mu0 (extinction rate)
pars1[3] corresponds to lambda1 (decline parameter in speciation rate) or K in diversity-dependence-like models
pars1[4] corresponds to mu1 (decline parameter in extinction rate)


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the model of time-dependence:
- pars2[1] == 0 no time dependence
- pars2[1] == 1 speciation and/or extinction rate is exponentially declining with time
- pars2[1] == 2 stepwise decline in speciation rate as in diversity-dependence without extinction
- pars2[1] == 3 decline in speciation rate following deterministic logistic equation for ddmodel = 1
- pars2[1] == 4 decline in speciation rate such that the expected number of species matches with that of ddmodel = 1 with the same mu

pars2[2] sets the conditioning:
- pars[2] == 0 conditioning on stem or crown age
- pars[2] == 1 conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
- pars[2] == 2 conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
- pars[2] == 3 conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)

pars2[3] sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)

pars2[4] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[5] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2)


A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'.


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne, Bart Haegeman & Cesar Martinez


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also



bd_loglik(pars1 = c(0.5,0.1), pars2 = c(0,1,1,0,2), brts = 1:10, 
missnumspec = 0)

Maximization of the loglikelihood under the diversity-independent, possibly time-dependent diversification model


This function computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a diversity-independent diversification model for a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It also outputs the corresponding loglikelihood that can be used in model comparisons.


  initparsopt = c(0.1, 0.05 * (tdmodel <= 1) + 10 * (length(brts) + missnumspec) *
    (tdmodel > 1)),
  idparsopt = c(1, 2 + (tdmodel > 1)),
  idparsfix = (1:4)[-idparsopt],
  parsfix = rep(0, 4)[idparsfix],
  missnumspec = 0,
  tdmodel = 0,
  cond = 1,
  btorph = 1,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 1000 * round((1.25)^length(idparsopt)),
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  num_cycles = 1,
  methode = "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54",
  verbose = FALSE



A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized


The ids of the parameters that must be optimized, e.g. 1:3 for intrinsic speciation rate, extinction rate and carrying capacity. The ids are defined as follows:
id == 1 corresponds to lambda0 (speciation rate)
id == 2 corresponds to mu0 (extinction rate)
id == 3 corresponds to lamda1 (parameter controlling decline in speciation rate with time)
id == 4 corresponds to mu1 (parameter controlling decline in extinction rate with time)


The ids of the parameters that should not be optimized, e.g. c(1,3) if lambda0 and lambda1 should not be optimized, but only mu0 and mu1. In that case idparsopt must be c(2,4). The default is to fix all parameters not specified in idparsopt.


The values of the parameters that should not be optimized


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


Sets the model of time-dependence:
tdmodel == 0 : constant speciation and extinction rates
tdmodel == 1 : speciation and/or extinction rate is exponentially declining with time
tdmodel == 2 : stepwise decline in speciation rate as in diversity-dependence without extinction
tdmodel == 3 : decline in speciation rate following deterministic logistic equation for ddmodel = 1
tdmodel == 4 : decline in speciation rate such that the expected number of species matches with that of ddmodel = 1 with the same mu


cond == 0 : conditioning on stem or crown age
cond == 1 : conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
cond == 2 : conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
cond == 3 : conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)


Sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2)


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


the number of cycles of opimization. If set at Inf, it will do as many cycles as needed to meet the tolerance set for the target function.


The method used to solve the master equation under tdmodel = 4, default is 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'.


Show the parameters and loglikelihood for every call to the loglik function


The output is a dataframe containing estimated parameters and maximum loglikelihood. The computed loglikelihood contains the factor q! m! / (q + m)! where q is the number of species in the phylogeny and m is the number of missing species, as explained in the supplementary material to Etienne et al. 2012.


A dataframe with the following elements:


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda0


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu0


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda1


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu1


gives the maximum loglikelihood


gives the number of estimated parameters, i.e. degrees of feedom


gives a message on convergence of optimization; conv = 0 means convergence


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also



cat("Estimating parameters for a set of branching times brts with the default settings:")
brts = 1:20
bd_ML(brts = brts, cond = 1)

Function to convert a set of branching times into a phylogeny with random topology This code is taken from the package TESS by Sebastian Hoehna, where the function is called tess.create.phylo


Converting a set of branching times to a phylogeny


brts2phylo(times, root = FALSE, tip.label = NULL)



Set of branching times


When root is FALSE, the largest branching time will be assumed to be the crown age. When root is TRUE, it will be the stem age.


Tip labels. If set to NULL, the labels will be t1, t2, etc.



A phylogeny of the phylo type


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

Function to do convolution of two vectors


Convolution of two vectors


conv(x, y)



first vector


second vector


vector that is the convolution of x and y


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574



Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models with decoupling of a subclade from a main clade at time t = t_d


This function computes loglikelihood of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values where the diversity-dependent dynamics of a subclade decouple from the dynamics of the main clade at time t_d, potentially accompanied by a shift in parameters.


  methode = "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54"



Vector of parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate) of the main clade
pars1[2] corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate) of the main clade
pars1[3] corresponds to K_M (clade-level carrying capacity) of the main clade
pars1[4] corresponds to lambda_S (speciation rate) of the subclade
pars1[5] corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate) of the subclade
pars1[6] corresponds to K_S (clade-level carrying capacity) of the subclade
pars1[7] corresponds to t_d (the time of decoupling)


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed. This must be larger than 1 + missnumspec + length(brts).

pars2[2] sets the model of diversity-dependence:
- pars2[2] == 1 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 1.3 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
- pars2[2] == 2 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 2.1 variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 2.2 1/n dependence in speciation rate
- pars2[2] == 2.3 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
- pars2[2] == 3 linear dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4 exponential dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4.1 variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 4.2 1/n dependence in extinction rate

pars2[3] sets the conditioning:
- pars2[3] == 0 no conditioning (or just crown age)
- pars2[3] == 1 conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny
- pars2[3] == 2 conditioning on number of species and crown age; not yet implemented
- pars2[3] == 3 conditioning on number of species only; not yet implemented
- pars2[3] == 4 conditioning on survival of the subclade
- pars2[3] == 5 conditioning on survival of all subclades and of both crown lineages in the main clade. This assumes that subclades that have already shifted do not undergo another shift, i.e. shifts only occur in the main clade.

pars2[4] Obsolete.

pars2[5] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[6] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2)

pars2[7] sets whether the old (incorrect) likelihood should be used (0), or whether the new corrected likelihood should be used (1).


A set of branching times of the main clade in the phylogeny, all positive


A set of branching times of the subclade in the phylogeny, all positive


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny. One can specify the sum of the missing species in main clade and subclade or a vector c(missnumspec_M,missnumspec_S) with missing species in main clade and subclade respectively.


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_KI_ML, dd_loglik dd_SR_loglik


pars1 = c(0.25,0.12,25.51,1.0,0.16,8.61,9.8)
pars2 = c(200,1,0,18.8,1,2)
missnumspec = 0
brtsM = c(25.2,24.6,24.0,22.5,21.7,20.4,19.9,19.7,18.8,17.1,15.8,11.8,9.7,8.9,5.7,5.2)
brtsS = c(9.6,8.6,7.4,4.9,2.5)

Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model with decoupling of a subclade's diversication dynamics from the main clade's dynamics


This function computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model with decoupling of the diversification dynamics of a subclade from the dynamics of the main clade for a given set of phylogenetic branching times of main clade and subclade and the time of splitting of the lineage that will form the subclade. It also outputs the corresponding loglikelihood that can be used in model comparisons.


  initparsopt = c(0.5, 0.1, 2 * (1 + length(brtsM) + missnumspec[1]), 2 * (1 +
    length(brtsS) + missnumspec[length(missnumspec)]), (tsplit + max(brtsS))/2),
  parsfix = NULL,
  idparsopt = c(1:3, 6:7),
  idparsfix = NULL,
  idparsnoshift = (1:7)[c(-idparsopt, (-1)^(length(idparsfix) != 0) * idparsfix)],
  res = 10 * (1 + length(c(brtsM, brtsS)) + sum(missnumspec)),
  ddmodel = 1,
  missnumspec = 0,
  cond = 1,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 1000 * round((1.25)^length(idparsopt)),
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  num_cycles = 1,
  methode = "analytical",
  correction = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE



A set of branching times of the main clade in a phylogeny, all positive


A set of branching times of the subclade in a phylogeny, all positive


The branching time at which the lineage forming the subclade branches off, positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized


The values of the parameters that should not be optimized


The ids of the parameters that must be optimized, e.g. 1:7 for all parameters. The ids are defined as follows:
id == 1 corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate) of the main clade
id == 2 corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate) of the main clade
id == 3 corresponds to K_M (clade-level carrying capacity) of the main clade
id == 4 corresponds to lambda_S (speciation rate) of the subclade
id == 5 corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate) of the subclade
id == 6 corresponds to K_S (clade-level carrying capacity) of the subclade
id == 7 corresponds to t_d (the time of decoupling)


The ids of the parameters that should not be optimized, e.g. c(1,3,4,6) if lambda and K should not be optimized, but only mu. In that case idparsopt must be c(2,5,7). The default is to fix all parameters not specified in idparsopt.


The ids of the parameters that should not shift; This can only apply to ids 4, 5 and 6, e.g. idparsnoshift = c(4,5) means that lambda and mu have the same values before and after tshift


sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + max(length(brtsM),length(brtsS))


sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny. One can specify the sum of the missing species in main clade and subclade or a vector c(missnumspec_M,missnumspec_S) with missing species in main clade and subclade respectively.


cond == 0 : no conditioning
cond == 1 : conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2); stem age only works when cond = 0


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


the number of cycles of opimization. If set at Inf, it will do as many cycles as needed to meet the tolerance set for the target function.


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


Sets whether the correction should be applied (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Show the parameters and loglikelihood for every call to the loglik function


The output is a dataframe containing estimated parameters and maximum loglikelihood. The computed loglikelihood contains the factor q! m!/(q + m)! where q is the number of species in the phylogeny and m is the number of missing species, as explained in the supplementary material to Etienne et al. 2012.



gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda of the subclade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu of the subclade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K of the subclade


gives the time of the decoupling event


gives the maximum loglikelihood


gives the number of estimated parameters, i.e. degrees of feedom


gives a message on convergence of optimization; conv = 0 means convergence


The optimization may get trapped in local optima. Try different starting values to search for the global optimum.


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_KI_loglik, dd_ML, dd_SR_ML,


cat("This will estimate parameters for two sets of branching times brtsM, brtsS\n")
cat("without conditioning.\n")
cat("The tolerance of the optimization is set high so runtime is fast in this example.\n")
cat("In real applications, use the default or more stringent settins for tol.\n")
brtsM = 4:10
brtsS = seq(0.1,3.5,0.7)
tsplit = 5
dd_KI_ML(brtsM = brtsM, brtsS = brtsS, tsplit = tsplit, idparsopt = c(1:3,6,7),
  initparsopt = c(0.885, 2e-14, 6.999, 6.848, 4.001), idparsfix = NULL,
  parsfix = NULL,idparsnoshift = c(4,5), cond = 0, tol = c(3E-1,3E-1,3E-1),
  optimmethod = 'simplex')

Function to simulate a key innovation in macro-evolution with the innovative clade decoupling from the diversity-dependent diversification dynamics of the main clade


Simulating a diversity-dependent diversification process where at a given time a new clade emerges with different inherent speciation rate and extinction rate and clade-level carrying capacity and with decoupled dynamics


dd_KI_sim(pars, age, ddmodel = 1)



Vector of parameters:

pars[1] corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate of the main clade)
pars[2] corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate of the main clade)
pars[3] corresponds to K_M (clade-level carrying capacity of the main clade) pars[4] corresponds to lambda_S (speciation rate of the subclade)
pars[5] corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate of the subclade)
pars[5] corresponds to K_S (clade-level carrying capacity of the subclade)
pars[7] tinn, the time the shift in rates occurs in the lineage leading to the subclade


Sets the crown age for the simulation


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity



A list with the following elements: The first element is the tree of extant species in phylo format
The second element is the tree of all species, including extinct species, in phylo format
The third element is a matrix of all species where
- the first column is the time at which a species is born
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species
If the fourth element equals -1, then the species is still extant.
- the fifth column indicates whether the species belong to the main clade (0) or the subclade (1)
The fourth element is the subclade tree of extant species (without stem)
The fifth element is the subclade tree of all species (without stem)
The sixth element is the same as the first, except that it has attributed 0 for the main clade and 1 for the subclade
The seventh element is the same as the Second, except that it has attributed 0 for the main clade and 1 for the subclade
The sixth and seventh element will be NULL if the subclade does not exist (because it went extinct).


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574



Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models


This function computes loglikelihood of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values.


dd_loglik(pars1, pars2, brts, missnumspec, methode = "analytical")



Vector of parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda (speciation rate)
pars1[2] corresponds to mu (extinction rate)
pars1[3] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity)


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed. This must be larger than 1 + missnumspec + length(brts).

pars2[2] sets the model of diversity-dependence:
- pars2[2] == 1 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 1.3 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
- pars2[2] == 1.4 : positive diversity-dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation rate reaches half its maximum); lambda = lambda0 * S/(S + K') where S is species richness
- pars2[2] == 1.5 : positive and negative diversity-dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0); lambda = lambda0 * S/K' * (1 - S/K') where S is species richness
- pars2[2] == 2 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 2.1 variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 2.2 1/n dependence in speciation rate
- pars2[2] == 2.3 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
- pars2[2] == 3 linear dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4 exponential dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4.1 variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 4.2 1/n dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 5 linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate

pars2[3] sets the conditioning:
- pars2[3] == 0 conditioning on stem or crown age
- pars2[3] == 1 conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
- pars2[3] == 2 conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
- pars2[3] == 3 conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)

pars2[4] sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)

pars2[5] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[6] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2)


A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used. Before version 3.1 these were solvers from the deSolve package such as 'lsoda' and 'ode45'. Currently solvers from odeint are used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54', 'odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78', 'odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5', or odeint::bulirsch_stoer'. The first two are recommended in most cases.


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_ML, dd_SR_loglik, dd_KI_loglik


dd_loglik(pars1 = c(0.5,0.1,100), pars2 = c(100,1,1,1,0,2), brts = 1:10, missnumspec = 0)

Bootstrap likelihood ratio test of diversity-dependent diversification model


This function computes the maximum likelihood and the associated estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It then performs a bootstrap likelihood ratio test of the diversity-dependent (DD) model against the constant-rates (CR) birth-death model. Finally, it computes the power of this test.


  outputfilename = NULL,
  seed = 42,
  endmc = 1000,
  alpha = 0.05,
  plotit = TRUE,
  res = 10 * (1 + length(brts) + missnumspec),
  ddmodel = 1,
  cond = 1,
  btorph = 1,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 2000,
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  methode = "analytical"



A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized for the diversity-dependent (DD) model: lambda_0, mu and K


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized for the constant-rates (CR) model: lambda and mu


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


The name (and location) of the file where the output will be saved. Default is no save.


The seed for the pseudo random number generator for simulating the bootstrap data


The number of bootstraps


The significance level of the test


Boolean to plot results or not


Sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + length(brts)


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 5 : linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate


cond == 0 : conditioning on stem or crown age
cond == 1 : conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
cond == 2 : conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
cond == 3 : conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
Note: cond == 3 assumes a uniform prior on stem age, as is the standard in constant-rate birth-death models, see e.g. D. Aldous & L. Popovic 2004. Adv. Appl. Prob. 37: 1094-1115 and T. Stadler 2009. J. Theor. Biol. 261: 58-66.


Sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2)


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


The output is a list with 3 elements:



a list of trees generated under the constant-rates model using the ML parameters under the CR model


a list of trees generated under the diversity-dependent model using the ML parameters under the diversity-dependent model


a dataframe with the parameter estimates and maximum likelihoods for diversity-dependent and constant-rates models $model - the model used to generate the data. 0 = unknown (for real data), 1 = CR, 2 = DD
$mc - the simulation number for each model
$lambda_CR - speciation rate estimated under CR
$mu_CR - extinction rate estimated under CR
$LL_CR - maximum likelihood estimated under CR
$conv_CR - convergence code for likelihood optimization; conv = 0 means convergence
$lambda_DD1 - initial speciation rate estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$mu_DD1 - extinction rate estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$K_DD1 - clade-wide carrying-capacity estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$LL_DD1 - maximum likelihood estimated under DD for first set of initial values
$conv_DD1 - convergence code for likelihood optimization for first set of initial values; conv = 0 means convergence
$lambda_DD2 - initial speciation rate estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$mu_DD2 - extinction rate estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$K_DD2 - clade-wide carrying-capacity estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$LL_DD2 - maximum likelihood estimated under DD for second set of initial values
$conv_DD2 - convergence code for likelihood optimization for second set of initial values; conv = 0 means convergence
$LR - likelihood ratio between DD and CR


p-value of the test


Likelihood ratio at the signifiance level alpha


power of the test for significance level alpha


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2016. Meth. Ecol. Evol. 7: 1092-1099, doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12565
- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_loglik, dd_ML

Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model


This function computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It also outputs the corresponding loglikelihood that can be used in model comparisons.


  initparsopt = initparsoptdefault(ddmodel, brts, missnumspec),
  idparsopt = 1:length(initparsopt),
  idparsfix = (1:(3 + (ddmodel == 5)))[-idparsopt],
  parsfix = parsfixdefault(ddmodel, brts, missnumspec, idparsopt),
  res = 10 * (1 + length(brts) + missnumspec),
  ddmodel = 1,
  missnumspec = 0,
  cond = 1,
  btorph = 1,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 1000 * round((1.25)^length(idparsopt)),
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  num_cycles = 1,
  methode = "analytical",
  verbose = FALSE



A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized


The ids of the parameters that must be optimized, e.g. 1:3 for intrinsic speciation rate, extinction rate and carrying capacity. The ids are defined as follows:
id == 1 corresponds to lambda (speciation rate)
id == 2 corresponds to mu (extinction rate)
id == 3 corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity)
id == 4 corresponds to r (r = b/a where mu = mu_0 + b * N and lambda = lambda_0 - a * N) (This is only available when ddmodel = 5)


The ids of the parameters that should not be optimized, e.g. c(1,3) if lambda and K should not be optimized, but only mu. In that case idparsopt must be 2. The default is to fix all parameters not specified in idparsopt.


The values of the parameters that should not be optimized


Sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + length(brts)


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 1.4 : positive diversity-dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation rate reaches half its maximum); lambda = lambda0 * S/(S + K') where S is species richness
ddmodel == 1.5 : positive and negative dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0); lambda = lambda0 * S/K' * (1 - S/K') where S is species richness
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 5 : linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


cond == 0 : conditioning on stem or crown age
cond == 1 : conditioning on stem or crown age and non-extinction of the phylogeny
cond == 2 : conditioning on stem or crown age and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
cond == 3 : conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
Note: cond == 3 assumes a uniform prior on stem age, as is the standard in constant-rate birth-death models, see e.g. D. Aldous & L. Popovic 2004. Adv. Appl. Prob. 37: 1094-1115 and T. Stadler 2009. J. Theor. Biol. 261: 58-66.


Sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2)


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


the number of cycles of opimization. If set at Inf, it will do as many cycles as needed to meet the tolerance set for the target function.


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


Show the parameters and loglikelihood for every call to the loglik function


The output is a dataframe containing estimated parameters and maximum loglikelihood. The computed loglikelihood contains the factor q! m! / (q + m)! where q is the number of species in the phylogeny and m is the number of missing species, as explained in the supplementary material to Etienne et al. 2012.



gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K


(only if ddmodel == 5) gives the ratio of linear dependencies in speciation and extinction rates


gives the maximum loglikelihood


gives the number of estimated parameters, i.e. degrees of feedom


gives a message on convergence of optimization; conv = 0 means convergence


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_loglik, dd_SR_ML, dd_KI_ML,


cat("Estimating the intrinsic speciation rate lambda and the carrying capacity K")
cat("for a fixed extinction rate of 0.1, conditioning on clade survival and two missing species:")
brts = 1:5
dd_ML(brts = brts,initparsopt = c(1.3078,7.4188), idparsopt = c(1,3), parsfix = 0.1,
      cond = 1, missnumspec = 2, tol = c(1E-3,1E-3,1E-4), optimmethod = 'simplex')

Loglikelihood for macro-evolutionary succession under diversity-dependent diversification with the key innovation at time t = t_d


This function computes the loglikelihood of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values where the diversity-dependent dynamics of an innovative subclade have different parameters from the dynamics of the main clade from time t_d, but both are governed by the same carrying capacity and experience each other's diversity.


  methode = "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54"



Vector of parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate) of the main clade
pars1[2] corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate) of the main clade
pars1[3] corresponds to K_M (clade-level carrying capacity) of the main clade
pars1[4] corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate) of the subclade
pars1[5] corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate) of the subclade
pars1[6] corresponds to t_d (the time of the key innovation)


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed. This must be larger than 1 + missnumspec + length(brts).

pars2[2] sets the model of diversity-dependence:
- pars2[2] == 1 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 1.3 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
- pars2[2] == 2 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 2.1 variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 2.2 1/n dependence in speciation rate
- pars2[2] == 2.3 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
- pars2[2] == 3 linear dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4 exponential dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4.1 variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 4.2 1/n dependence in extinction rate

pars2[3] sets the conditioning:
- pars2[3] == 0 no conditioning
- pars2[3] == 1 conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny

pars2[4] sets the time of splitting of the branch that will undergo the key innovation leading to different parameters

pars2[5] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[6] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2) pars2[7] sets whether the old (incorrect) likelihood should be used (0) or whether new corrected version should be used (1)


A set of branching times of the main clade in the phylogeny, all positive


A set of branching times of the subclade in the phylogeny, all positive


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny. One can specify the sum of the missing species in main clade and subclade or a vector c(missnumspec_M,missnumspec_S) with missing species in main clade and subclade respectively.


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_MS_ML, dd_loglik, dd_KI_loglik, dd_SR_loglik


pars1 = c(0.2,0.1,40,1.0,0.1,9.8)
pars2 = c(200,1,0,18.8,1,2)
missnumspec = 0
brtsM = c(25.2,24.6,24.0,22.5,21.7,20.4,19.9,19.7,18.8,17.1,15.8,11.8,9.7,8.9,5.7,5.2)
brtsS = c(9.6,8.6,7.4,4.9,2.5)

Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model with decoupling of a subclade's diversication dynamics from the main clade's dynamics


This function computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model where the diversity-dependent dynamics of an innovative subclade have different parameters from the dynamics of the main clade from time t_d, but both are governed by the same carrying capacity and experience each other's diversity. Required isa given set of phylogenetic branching times of main clade and subclade and the time of splitting of the lineage that will form the subclade. The function also outputs the corresponding loglikelihood that can be used in model comparisons.


  initparsopt = c(0.5, 0.1, 2 * (1 + length(brtsM) + length(brtsS) + sum(missnumspec)),
    (tsplit + max(brtsS))/2),
  parsfix = NULL,
  idparsopt = c(1:3, 6),
  idparsfix = NULL,
  idparsnoshift = (1:6)[c(-idparsopt, (-1)^(length(idparsfix) != 0) * idparsfix)],
  res = 10 * (1 + length(c(brtsM, brtsS)) + sum(missnumspec)),
  ddmodel = 1.3,
  missnumspec = 0,
  cond = 0,
  soc = 2,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 1000 * round((1.25)^length(idparsopt)),
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  num_cycles = 1,
  methode = "ode45",
  correction = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



A set of branching times of the main clade in a phylogeny, all positive


A set of branching times of the subclade in a phylogeny, all positive


The branching time at which the lineage forming the subclade branches off, positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized


The values of the parameters that should not be optimized


The ids of the parameters that must be optimized, e.g. 1:7 for all parameters. The ids are defined as follows:
id == 1 corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate) of the main clade
id == 2 corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate) of the main clade
id == 3 corresponds to K_M (clade-level carrying capacity) of the main clade
id == 4 corresponds to lambda_S (speciation rate) of the subclade
id == 5 corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate) of the subclade
id == 6 corresponds to t_d (the time of the key innovation)


The ids of the parameters that should not be optimized, e.g. c(1,3,4,6) if lambda and K should not be optimized, but only mu. In that case idparsopt must be c(2,5,7). The default is to fix all parameters not specified in idparsopt.


The ids of the parameters that should not shift; This can only apply to ids 4, 5 and 6, e.g. idparsnoshift = c(4,5) means that lambda and mu have the same values before and after tshift


sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + max(length(brtsM),length(brtsS))


sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny. One can specify the sum of the missing species in main clade and subclade or a vector c(missnumspec_M,missnumspec_S) with missing species in main clade and subclade respectively.


cond == 0 : no conditioning
cond == 1 : conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2); stem age only works when cond = 0


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


the number of cycles of opimization. If set at Inf, it will do as many cycles as needed to meet the tolerance set for the target function.


The method used in the ode solver. This can be either 'analytical' for explicit matrix exponentation or any of the solvers in the deSolve package.


Sets whether the correction should be applied (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Show the parameters and loglikelihood for every call to the loglik function


The output is a dataframe containing estimated parameters and maximum loglikelihood. The computed loglikelihood contains the factor q! m!/(q + m)! where q is the number of species in the phylogeny and m is the number of missing species, as explained in the supplementary material to Etienne et al. 2012.



gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K of the main clade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda of the subclade


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu of the subclade


gives the time of the key innovation event


gives the maximum loglikelihood


gives the number of estimated parameters, i.e. degrees of feedom


gives a message on convergence of optimization; conv = 0 means convergence


The optimization may get trapped in local optima. Try different starting values to search for the global optimum.


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_MS_loglik, dd_ML, dd_KI_ML, dd_SR_ML,


cat("This will estimate parameters for two sets of branching times brtsM, brtsS\n")
cat("without conditioning.\n")
cat("The tolerance of the optimization is set high so runtime is fast in this example.\n")
cat("In real applications, use the default or more stringent settins for tol.\n")
brtsM = 4:10
brtsS = seq(0.1,3.5,0.7)
tsplit = 5
dd_MS_ML(brtsM = brtsM, brtsS = brtsS, tsplit = tsplit, idparsopt = c(1:3,6),
          initparsopt = c(0.885, 2e-14, 10, 4.001), idparsfix = NULL, parsfix = NULL,
          idparsnoshift = c(4,5), cond = 0, tol = c(3E-1,3E-1,3E-1))

Function to simulate the macro-evolutionary succession process assuming diversity-dependent diversification


Simulating a diversity-dependent diversification process where at a given time a new clade emerges with different inherent speciation rate and extinction rate


dd_MS_sim(pars, age, ddmodel = 1.3)



Vector of parameters:

pars[1] corresponds to lambda_M (speciation rate of the main clade)
pars[2] corresponds to mu_M (extinction rate of the main clade)
pars[3] corresponds to K' (maximum number of species or a proxy for it in case of exponential decline in speciation rate) pars[4] corresponds to lambda_S (speciation rate of the novel subclade)
pars[5] corresponds to mu_S (extinction rate)
pars[6] tinn, the time the shift in rates occurs in the lineage leading to the subclade


Sets the crown age for the simulation


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0); ddmodel = 1 will be interpreted as this model
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity; ddmodel = 2 will be interpreted as this model
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)



A list with the following elements: The first element is the tree of extant species in phylo format
The second element is the tree of all species, including extinct species, in phylo format
The third element is a matrix of all species where
- the first column is the time at which a species is born
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species
If the fourth element equals -1, then the species is still extant.
- the fifth column indicates whether the species belong to the main clade (0) or the subclade (1)
The fourth element is the subclade tree of extant species (without stem)
The fifth element is the subclade tree of all species (without stem)
The sixth element is the same as the first, except that it has attributed 0 for the main clade and 1 for the subclade
The seventh element is the same as the Second, except that it has attributed 0 for the main clade and 1 for the subclade
The sixth and seventh element will be NULL if the subclade does not exist (because it went extinct).


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574



Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models with multiple decoupling (rate shift) events


This function computes loglikelihood of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values where the diversity-dependent dynamics of subclades decouple from the dynamics of main clades, potentially accompanied by a shift in parameters.


  reltol = 1e-14,
  abstol = 1e-16,
  methode = "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54"



list of paramater sets one for each rate regime (subclade). The parameters are: lambda (speciation rate), mu (extinction rate), and K (clade-level carrying capacity).


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed. This must be larger than 1 + missnumspec + length(brts).

pars2[2] sets the model of diversity-dependence:
- pars2[2] == 1 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 1.3 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
- pars2[2] == 2 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 2.1 variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 2.2 1/n dependence in speciation rate
- pars2[2] == 2.3 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
- pars2[2] == 3 linear dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4 exponential dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4.1 variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 4.2 1/n dependence in extinction rate

pars2[3] sets the conditioning:
- pars2[3] == 0 no conditioning (or just crown age)
- pars2[3] == 1 conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny
- pars2[3] == 2 conditioning on number of species and crown age; not yet implemented
- pars2[3] == 3 conditioning on number of species only; not yet implemented
- pars2[3] == 4 conditioning on survival of the subclade
- pars2[3] == 5 conditioning on survival of all subclades and of both crown lineages in the main clade. This assumes that subclades that have already shifted do not undergo another shift, i.e. shifts only occur in the main clade.

pars2[4] Obsolete.

pars2[5] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[6] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2)

pars2[7] sets whether the old (incorrect) likelihood should be used (0), or whether the new corrected likelihood should be used (1).


list of matrices, one for each rate regime (subclade). Each matrix has in the first row the branching times including the shift/decoupling time and the present time (0) in negative time (i.e. 10 mya = -10). In the second row it has the number of lineages, i.e. starting at 2 for a phylogeny with a crown and increasing by one at each branching time and decreasing by one at each decoupling/shift time. The last element is the same as the second last.


list containing the number of missing species for each clade. If only a single number m of missing species is known for the entire phylogeny, then each element of the list should be 0:m. One can also create this from m using the function create_missnumspec_list


relative tolerance in integration of the ODE system, default at 1e-14


tolerance tolerance in integration of the ODE system, default at 1e-16


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.

Function to simulate the diversity-dependent diversification process


Simulating the diversity-dependent diversification process


dd_sim(pars, age, ddmodel = 1)



Vector of parameters:

pars[1] corresponds to lambda (speciation rate)
pars[2] corresponds to mu (extinction rate)
pars[3] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity)


Sets the crown age for the simulation


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 5 : linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate



A list with the following four elements: The first element is the tree of extant species in phylo format
The second element is the tree of all species, including extinct species, in phylo format
The third element is a matrix of all species where
- the first column is the time at which a species is born
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species. If this equals -1, then the species is still extant.
The fourth element is the set of branching times of the tree of extant species.


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574



Loglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models with a shift in the parameters at time t = tshift


This function computes loglikelihood of a diversity-dependent diversification model for a given set of branching times and parameter values where the parameters are allowed to shift at time t = tshift


dd_SR_loglik(pars1, pars2, brts, missnumspec, methode = "analytical")



Vector of parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda (speciation rate) before the shift
pars1[2] corresponds to mu (extinction rate) before the shift
pars1[3] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity) before the shift
pars1[4] corresponds to lambda (speciation rate) after the shift
pars1[5] corresponds to mu (extinction rate) after the shift
pars1[6] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity) after the shift
pars1[7] corresponds to tshift (the time of shift)


Vector of model settings:

pars2[1] sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed. This must be larger than 1 + missnumspec + length(brts).

pars2[2] sets the model of diversity-dependence:
- pars2[2] == 1 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 1.3 linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
- pars2[2] == 2 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
- pars2[2] == 2.1 variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 2.2 1/n dependence in speciation rate
- pars2[2] == 2.3 exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
- pars2[2] == 3 linear dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4 exponential dependence in extinction rate
- pars2[2] == 4.1 variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
- pars2[2] == 4.2 1/n dependence in extinction rate

pars2[3] sets the conditioning:
- pars2[3] == 0 no conditioning
- pars2[3] == 1 conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny
- pars2[3] == 2 conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)

pars2[4] sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)

pars2[5] sets whether the parameters and likelihood should be shown on screen (1) or not (0)

pars2[6] sets whether the first data point is stem age (1) or crown age (2)


A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_SR_ML, dd_loglik, dd_KI_loglik


dd_SR_loglik(pars1 = c(0.2,0.1,50,0.2,0.1,70,5), pars2 = c(100,1,1,1,0,2),
   brts = 1:10, missnumspec = 0)

Maximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent diversification model with a shift in the parameters


This function computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a diversity-dependent diversification model with shifting parameters at time t = tshift for a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It also outputs the corresponding loglikelihood that can be used in model comparisons.


  initparsopt = c(0.5, 0.1, 2 * (1 + length(brts) + missnumspec), 2 * (1 + length(brts) +
    missnumspec), max(brts)/2),
  parsfix = NULL,
  idparsopt = c(1:3, 6:7),
  idparsfix = NULL,
  idparsnoshift = (1:7)[c(-idparsopt, (-1)^(length(idparsfix) != 0) * idparsfix)],
  res = 10 * (1 + length(brts) + missnumspec),
  ddmodel = 1,
  missnumspec = 0,
  cond = 1,
  btorph = 1,
  soc = 2,
  allbp = FALSE,
  tol = c(0.001, 1e-04, 1e-06),
  maxiter = 1000 * round((1.25)^length(idparsopt)),
  changeloglikifnoconv = FALSE,
  optimmethod = "subplex",
  num_cycles = 1,
  methode = "analytical",
  verbose = FALSE



A set of branching times of a phylogeny, all positive


The initial values of the parameters that must be optimized


The values of the parameters that should not be optimized


The ids of the parameters that must be optimized, e.g. 1:7 for all parameters. The ids are defined as follows:
id == 1 corresponds to lambda (speciation rate) before the shift
id == 2 corresponds to mu (extinction rate) before the shift
id == 3 corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity) before the shift
id == 4 corresponds to lambda (speciation rate) after the shift
id == 5 corresponds to mu (extinction rate) after the shift
id == 6 corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity) after the shift
id == 7 corresponds to tshift (the time of shift)


The ids of the parameters that should not be optimized, e.g. c(1,3,4,6) if lambda and K should not be optimized, but only mu. In that case idparsopt must be c(2,5,7). The default is to fix all parameters not specified in idparsopt.


The ids of the parameters that should not shift; This can only apply to ids 4, 5 and 6, e.g. idparsnoshift = c(4,5) means that lambda and mu have the same values before and after tshift


sets the maximum number of species for which a probability must be computed, must be larger than 1 + length(brts)


sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity


The number of species that are in the clade but missing in the phylogeny


cond == 0 : no conditioning
cond == 1 : conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny
cond == 2 : conditioning on non-extinction of the phylogeny and on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)
cond == 3 : conditioning on the total number of extant taxa (including missing species)

Note: cond == 3 assumes a uniform prior on stem age, as is the standard in constant-rate birth-death models, see e.g. D. Aldous & L. Popovic 2004. Adv. Appl. Prob. 37: 1094-1115 and T. Stadler 2009. J. Theor. Biol. 261: 58-66.


Sets whether the likelihood is for the branching times (0) or the phylogeny (1)


Sets whether stem or crown age should be used (1 or 2)


Sets whether a search should be done with various initial conditions, with tshift at each of the branching points (TRUE/FALSE)


Sets the tolerances in the optimization. Consists of:
reltolx = relative tolerance of parameter values in optimization
reltolf = relative tolerance of function value in optimization
abstolx = absolute tolerance of parameter values in optimization


Sets the maximum number of iterations in the optimization


if TRUE the loglik will be set to -Inf if ML does not converge


Method used in optimization of the likelihood. Current default is 'subplex'. Alternative is 'simplex' (default of previous versions)


the number of cycles of opimization. If set at Inf, it will do as many cycles as needed to meet the tolerance set for the target function.


The method used to solve the master equation, default is 'analytical' which uses matrix exponentiation; alternatively numerical ODE solvers can be used, such as 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'. These were used in the package before version 3.1.


Show the parameters and loglikelihood for every call to the loglik function


The output is a dataframe containing estimated parameters and maximum loglikelihood. The computed loglikelihood contains the factor q! m!/(q + m)! where q is the number of species in the phylogeny and m is the number of missing species, as explained in the supplementary material to Etienne et al. 2012.



gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda before the shift


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu before the shift


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K before the shift


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda after the shift


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of mu after the shift


gives the maximum likelihood estimate of K after the shift


gives the time of the shift


gives the maximum loglikelihood


gives the number of estimated parameters, i.e. degrees of feedom


gives a message on convergence of optimization; conv = 0 means convergence


The optimization may get trapped in local optima. Try different starting values to search for the global optimum.


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574

See Also

dd_SR_loglik, dd_ML, dd_KI_ML,


cat("This will estimate parameters for a sets of branching times brts without conditioning.\n")
cat("The tolerance of the optimization is set ridiculously high to make runtime fast.\n")
cat("In real applications, use the default or more stringent settings for tol.\n")
brts = 1:10
dd_SR_ML(brts = brts, initparsopt = c(0.4581, 1E-6, 17.69, 11.09, 8.9999), idparsopt = c(1:3,6,7),
         idparsfix = NULL, parsfix = NULL, idparsnoshift = c(4,5), cond = 0,
         tol = c(1E-1,1E-1,1E-1),optimmethod = 'simplex'

Function to simulate the diversity-dependent diversification process with a shift in one or more of the parameters


Simulating the diversity-dependent diversification process with a parameter shift at a certain time


dd_SR_sim(pars, age, ddmodel = 1)



Vector of parameters:

pars[1] corresponds to lambda1 (speciation rate before the rate shift)
pars[2] corresponds to mu1 (extinction rate before the rate shift)
pars[3] corresponds to K1 (clade-level carrying capacity before the rate shift)
pars[4] corresponds to lambda2 (speciation rate after the rate shift)
pars[5] corresponds to mu2 (extinction rate after the rate shift)
pars[6] corresponds to K2 (clade-level carrying capacity after the rate shift)
pars[7] corresponds to the time of shift


Sets the crown age for the simulation


Sets the model of diversity-dependence:
ddmodel == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 1.3 : linear dependence in speciation rate with parameter K' (= diversity where speciation = 0)
ddmodel == 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter K (= diversity where speciation = extinction)
ddmodel == 2.1 : variant of exponential dependence in speciation rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 2.2 : 1/n dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel == 2.3 : exponential dependence in speciation rate with parameter x (= exponent)
ddmodel == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4 : exponential dependence in extinction rate
ddmodel == 4.1 : variant of exponential dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 4.2 : 1/n dependence in extinction rate with offset at infinity
ddmodel == 5 : linear dependence in speciation and extinction rate



A list with the following four elements: The first element is the tree of extant species in phylo format
The second element is the tree of all species, including extinct species, in phylo format
The third element is a matrix of all species where
- the first column is the time at which a species is born
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species If this equals -1, then the species is still extant.
The fourth element is the set of branching times of the tree of extant species.


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574



Function to convert a table with speciation and extinction events to a set of branching times


Converting a table with speciation and extinction events to a set of branching times


L2brts(L, dropextinct = T)



Matrix of events as produced by dd_sim:

- the first column is the time at which a species is born in Mya
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species; if the fourth element equals -1, then the species is still extant.


Sets whether the phylogeny should drop species that are extinct at the present



A set of branching times


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574


sim = dd_sim(c(0.2,0.1,20),10)
phy = L2brts(sim$L)

Function to convert a table with speciation and extinction events to a phylogeny


Converting a table with speciation and extinction events to a phylogeny


L2phylo(L, dropextinct = T)



Matrix of events as produced by dd_sim:

- the first column is the time at which a species is born in Mya
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species; if the fourth element equals -1, then the species is still extant.


Sets whether the phylogeny should drop species that are extinct at the present



A phylogeny of the phylo type


Rampal S. Etienne


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574


sim = dd_sim(c(0.2,0.1,20),10)
phy = L2phylo(sim$L)

Carries out optimization (finding a minimum)


A wrapper to use several optimization routines, currently only 'simplex' (a method adopted from Matlab, or 'subplex', from the R package subplex). The function is called from several packages by the same author.


  optimmethod = "simplex",
  optimpars = c(1e-04, 1e-04, 1e-06, 1000),
  num_cycles = 1,
  jitter = 0,



The method to use for optimization, either 'simplex' or 'subplex'


Parameters of the optimization: relative tolerance in function arguments, relative tolerance in function value, absolute tolerance in function arguments as well as the function value, and maximum number of iterations


Number of cycles of the optimization. When set to Inf, the optimization will be repeated until the result is, within the tolerance, equal to the starting values, with a maximum of 10 cycles.


Function to be optimized


Initial guess of the parameters to be optimized


Perturbation of an initial parameter value when precisely equal to 0.5; this is only relevant when subplex is chosen. The default value is 0, so no jitter is applied. A recommended value when using it is 1E-5.


Any other arguments of the function to be optimimzed, or settings of the optimization routine



A list containing optimal function arguments (par, the optimal function value (fvalues) and whether the optimization converged (conv)



Rampal S. Etienne


cat("No examples")

Function to convert phylogeny to a table with speciation and extinction events


Converting a phylogeny to a table with speciation and extinction events





A phylogeny of the phylo type



Matrix of events as produced by dd_sim:

- the first column is the time at which a species is born in Mya
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species; if the fourth element equals -1, then the species is still extant.


Liang Xu


- Etienne, R.S. et al. 2012, Proc. Roy. Soc. B 279: 1300-1309, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439
- Etienne, R.S. & B. Haegeman 2012. Am. Nat. 180: E75-E89, doi: 10.1086/667574


sim = dd_sim(c(0.2,0.1,20),10)
phy = sim$tas
L = phylo2L(phy)
phy2 = L2phylo(L, dropextinct = FALSE)
graphics::par(mfrow = c(1,3))
graphics::plot(L2phylo(sim$L, dropextinct = FALSE))

Sampling in which zero probabilities are removed


Sampling in which zero probabilities are removed


rng_respecting_sample(x, size, replace, prob)



either a vector of one or more elements from which to choose, or a positive integer. See ‘Details.’


a non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose.


should sampling be with replacement?


a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled.


a vector of length size with elements drawn from either x or from the integers 1:x.


thanks to Pedro Neves for finding this feature in base::sample


Richel J.C. Bilderbeek

See Also

See sample for more details


# Number of draws
  n <- 1000
  # Do normal sampling
  draws_1 <- DDD:::rng_respecting_sample(
    1:3, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  # Do a sampling with one element of probability zero
  draws_2 <- DDD:::rng_respecting_sample(
    1:4, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  testit::assert(sum(draws_2 == 4) == 0)
  testit::assert(draws_1 == draws_2)
  # Use base sampling will give different results,
  # as it results in different RNG values
  draws_3 <- sample(
    1:4, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  testit::assert(sum(draws_3 == 4) == 0)
  testit::assert(!all(draws_1 == draws_3))

Rounds up in the usual manner


The standard round function in R rounds x.5 to the nearest even integer. This is odd behavior that is corrected in roundn


roundn(x, digits = 0)



Number to be rounded


Sets the number of decimals in rounding.



A number


Rampal S. Etienne


round(2.65,digits = 1)
roundn(2.65,digits = 1)
round(2.75,digits = 1)
roundn(2.75,digits = 1)

Takes samples in the usual manner


The standard sample function in R samples from n numbers when x = n. This is unwanted behavior when the size of the vector to sample from changes dynamically. This is corrected in sample2


sample2(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)



A vector of one or more elements


A non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose.


Should sampling be with replacement?


A vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled.



A vector of length size that is sampled from x.


Rampal S. Etienne


sample(x = 10,size = 5,replace = TRUE)
sample2(x = 10,size = 5,replace = TRUE)

Carries out optimization using a simplex algorithm (finding a minimum)


Function to optimize target function using a simplex method adopted from Matlab


simplex(fun, trparsopt, optimpars, ...)



Function to be optimized


Initial guess of the parameters to be optimized


Parameters of the optimization: relative tolerance in function arguments, relative tolerance in function value, absolute tolerance in function arguments, and maximum number of iterations


Any other arguments of the function to be optimimzed, or settings of the optimization routine



A list containing optimal function arguments (par, the optimal function value (fvalues) and whether the optimization converged (conv)



Rampal S. Etienne


cat("No examples")

Simulation of a diversity-dependent-like time-dependent process


Simulates a phylogenetic tree branching according to a time-dependent process calibrated on the expected number of species under a diversity-dependent process over time.


td_sim(pars, age, ddmodel = 1, methode = "ode45")



Vector of parameters:

pars[1] corresponds to lambda0 (speciation rate)
pars[2] corresponds to mu0 (extinction rate)
pars[3] corresponds to lambda1 (decline parameter in speciation rate) or K in diversity-dependence-like models
pars[4] corresponds to mu1 (decline parameter in extinction rate)


crown age of the tree to simulate, i.e. the simulation time.


the diversity-dependent model used as reference for the time-dependent model.


The method used to solve the master equation. See deSolve::ode() documentation for possible inputs


A list with the following four elements: The first element is the tree of extant species in phylo format
The second element is the tree of all species, including extinct species, in phylo format
The third element is a matrix of all species where - the first column is the time at which a species is born
- the second column is the label of the parent of the species; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the third column is the label of the daughter species itself; positive and negative values only indicate whether the species belongs to the left or right crown lineage
- the fourth column is the time of extinction of the species. If this equals -1, then the species is still extant.


César Martinez, Rampal S. Etienne

Transforming parameters from -Inf to Inf into parameters from -1 to 1


Function to transform pars in a way that is more useful for optimization: trpars <- sign(pars) * pars/(sign(pars) + pars);





Parameters to be transformed


Transformed parameters


Rampal S. Etienne

Untransforming parameters from -1 to 1 into parameters from -Inf to Inf.


Function to untransform pars after optimization: pars <- sign(trpars) * trpars/(sign(trpars) - trpars);





Parameters to be untransformed


Untransformed parameters


Rampal S. Etienne