Colonization and branching times of Noctilionoid bats from the Greater Antilles.DAISIE::Galapagos_datalist
Colonization and branching times of 8 terrestrial avifaunal clades in list format, accepted by DAISIE_ML and DAISIE_loglik_allDAISIE::Galapagos_datalist_2types
Colonization and branching times of 8 terrestrial avifaunal clades in list format, accepted by DAISIE_ML and DAISIE_loglik_allDAISIE::Galapagos_datatable
Colonization and branching times of 8 terrestrial avifaunal Galápagos clades in table format.DAISIE::Macaronesia_datalist
Colonization and branching times of terrestrial avifaunal clades from Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Madeira in list format, accepted by DAISIE_ML and DAISIE_loglik_allDAISIE::NewZealand_birds_datalist
Colonization and branching times of New Zealand birds.DAISIE::frogs_sim_datalist
Colonization and branching times of a data set simulated with the MLE parameters of frogs_datalistDAISIE::islands_10reps_RAW
1000 islands in RAW format simulated with the ML parameters of the CR model for the Galapagos data.DAISIE::islands_1type_1000reps
1000 islands in DAISIE format simulated with the ML parameters of the CR model for the Galapagos dataDAISIE::islands_2types_1000reps
1000 islands in DAISIE format simulated with the ML parameters of the CR_lamc_mu_K model for the Galapagos data (2 types of species)DAMOCLES::NWPrimates_data
Dated phylogenetic tree of the New World Primates in nexus format and presence-absence matrix for species in Manusecsse::example_phy_GeoSSE
A phylogeny with traits at the tips